Don’t take risks with consumer safety, comply with the law
As Chairman of the 360°FoodService Task Force on Paper Drinking Straw, I am pleased to report the successful launch of the Charter of Trust for Paper Drinking Straws, a fundamental contribution to the European food service industry in order to preserve market integrity, defend fair competition and, above all, guarantee consumer safety.

As the European market converts from plastics to paper alternatives, our objective is for any company that designs and manufactures paper drinking straws to be perfectly clear about what the law requires in Europe to make a safe product, before they put it on the market.

However, there is currently no European standard for paper drinking straws. This means that one had to go through various EU and national rules regarding safety, especially requirements for materials coming into contact with foodstuffs, to ensure their products are compliant with the law.

The Charter of Trust now fills this gap: it sets out precisely what is required in a single document, allowing distributors and users of paper drinking straws to take informed sourcing decisions. It will also help competent Authorities (customs services, Market surveillance and HS&E agencies…) to do their job more effectively.

The Charter of Trust is a clear, transparent commitment that we invite all actors in the food service value chain to endorse. We can only replace safe polypropylene drinking straws with paper alternatives that are equally as safe.

The message of the Charter of Trust is simple: COMPLIANT = SAFE

Jean-Marc NOVENE
Chairman of 360°FoodService Task Force on Paper Drinking Straw
Deputy General Manager – Matrix Pack Group

#Blog | Quality straws you can trust